Experience for yourself why wind deflectors are the best Mini convertible accessory!
Love your Mini convertible more with a wind deflector. Drive earlier in the spring and later into the fall while enjoying up to 75% less wind and noise, with a wind deflector. Owning a Mini convertible is great, so enjoy top down driving even more with less wind and more fun. Try it Risk Free. We even offer free return shipping if you do not love it.
Please click on your Mini convertible below for more details & an install video.
Mini convertible 2004 to 2015 wind deflector
Mini Convertible 2016 to 2024 Wind Deflector
Mini convertible wind deflectors are the number one convertible accessory because they allow you enjoy your top down driving even more.
See and feel why convertible Mini owners love their wind deflector
At Love the Drive™, we designed convertible wind deflectors to help you get the most pleasure out of your convertible. It's an easy and affordable way to maximize your time in your convertible and ensuring a fun, quiet, and relaxed drive. We have being making wind deflectors since 2005.