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Classic Convertible Wind Deflector

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Product information

Fits your classic convertible without any modifications.

Enjoy driving with your top down earlier in the spring and later into the fall.

Listening to music or have a conversation even at highway speeds Open and close your top convertible without removing the wind deflector Helping you love your convertible more & keeping you looking great.

Instead of the wind blowing through the cabin of your classic convertible, up to 75% of the wind is diverted over the back of your convertible, so you can soak up the elements instead of being at their mercy.

Extend your classic convertible season: with the wind deflector redirecting the wind over the back of your convertible, you can drive with top down earlier in the Spring and later into the Fall and in more comfort throughout the top down season.

Classic convertible wind deflectors are available for Mustangs 64-70 and Camaro & Firebirds 67-69.

Classic convertible wind deflector’s are also known as: wind screen, windscreen, windstop, wind blocker, and wind jammer.

Classic Convertibles include: Chevelle convertible , Skylark convertible, Mustang convertible , Cougar convertible, Camaro convertible, Firebird convertible, Model 442 convertible.

What to do if we don't have your model listed
  1. Take the 4 measurements shown in the video
  2. Email us or fill the form below with your measurements
  3. We'll let you know if we can make it for your classic convertible

Send us your measurements